Lizard Point Quizzes

...discovering the world we live in

Think twice before using map in China

Feb 232016

Remind me to be very, very careful on my next (well, ...first) visit to China.  As you know, Lizard Point is in the business of using maps to help people learn more about the world they live in, and in China - that can prove to be a risky proposition.

According to this article on, China has a law against any illegal map that “endangers the country’s sovereignty, safety and interests”.  And if your map doesn't comply with the country's rules - you can be in for a fine of up to 200,000 yuan (about $30,000 USD).  The rules include naming the South China Sea properly and marking Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau in the same colour as mainland China.

Er, excuse me while I go double check our quizzes.
