Lizard Point Quizzes

...discovering the world we live in

Staying Alive - New stay signed in feature

Nov 252015


You didn't think it was a post on disco, did you?

Hate remembering passwords?  Or do you ever get frustrated after you've worked hard to score well on a quiz - only to find that you weren't signed in and your score wasn't recorded? This actually happens quite a bit. It could be that you took a break and got timed out (sessions time out after 90 minutes of inactivity), or it might simply be that you forgot to sign in at all. We've created a 'stay signed in' solution to this problem.

screen shot of sign in form with Keep me signed in option

All you need to do is check the box on the sign in page that says, 'Keep me signed in'. This will ensure you never have to sign in again from that device. It works by creating a small cookie in your browser that links your computer/laptop/tablet/phone with your account. After you sign-in with this selected, you will always be connected on that device. Anytime you visit Lizard Point, for up to a year later, you will be automatically connected to your account. However, there are a few important points to remember:

  • Don't use this on a shared device. Anyone else accessing that device can connect to Lizard Point - as you - and perhaps mess up your account. It's even possible for someone to copy your cookie and use it later on a different device to impersonate you.
  • You can't stay signed in to your account from two different devices. If you have selected 'keep me signed in' from one device, and then select it from a second device, your first device will no longer be able to automatically sign in. (But you can have one device automatically sign in and have another sign in the normal way).
  • If you ever want to disable the 'stay signed in' feature - just click Sign out. This will invalidate the cookie on your device.  You will have to sign in with your password to reset it if you wish.

screenshot of sign out link above the navigation bar

  • And, of course, if you clean out your cookies for whatever reason, or switch to a different browser - you will have to re-sign in and check the box again.

We're hoping this feature is useful for you, and encourages you to do even more quizzes.