Why use Lizard Point for your class?

Get your kids on lizardpoint.com. ... They LOVE it.

Jonathan Porter
Head of Humanities at Michaela Community School
London, UK

I am absolutely loving using your quizzes in my geography class this semester, and the students are loving it too! I love the great quality information and maps that you provide.

Randa Hendricks
Eastern Mennonite School
Harrisonburg, VA

The ability to get immediate feedback was very valuable. The chance to practice before the "test" really motivated students to try multiple times and reduced anxiety about being tested.

Some quotes from my students:

  • That was so easy!
  • That wasn't a test. It was more like a game!
  • Can I try again?

Carol Miron
Don Mills Collegiate Institute
Toronto, Canada

Lizardpoint would have been a God-send if I had it in college.

Mrs. C
AP Human Geography teacher

  • Students love it! Over the past 25 years, we've received hundreds of emails from teachers and students alike, letting us know how much they love the site. There have been many happy students telling us they got an "A" because of Lizardpoint.
  • Over 200 quizzes featuring clickable maps from all over the world. Featuring study guides, hints, show me help, definitions, and several learning modes. video
  • Study mode (watch video, 0:47) video provides deeper information on population, cities, languages, exports and more
  • More than just geography. Students can learn about current and historical leaders, math, art and flags.

Teacher Accounts

Account discontinuation notice

Please note that Teacher and student accounts were discontinued on Mar 31, 2023.

New teacher accounts are no longer available.

For more information, please visit the account discontinuation announcement.