Important notice

The Personalized Quiz Tracker and Stamp Collection feature has been disabled. We no longer offer user accounts to support this feature.

This feature may be brought back in the future based on browser cookies rather than signing in with an account.

About the Personalized Quiz Tracker

Registered users can:

Don't want to read about it? Watch a 2:45 min introduction video introduction video on Youtube.

The stamp program is for the geography section only, but quiz scores are saved for geography, flags, leaders and art quizzes.

Earn stamps

sample stamps
Earn a stamp when you complete 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 etc. (multiples of 5) geography quizzes in the appropriate category.


  • Africa
  • Americas
  • Asia
  • Australia/Oceania
  • Europe
  • Cities (Look for the city icon city icon for quizzes that count towards this stamp.)
  • Water (Look for the water icon water icon for quizzes that count towards this stamp.)
  • Trivia Quizzes on the Weekly Trivia page now count towards this stamp. (effective Dec 8 2019)

You must complete different quizzes to earn the stamps in these categories; you will not receive credit for repeating a quiz in these categories.

sample world stamp
World stamp:

When you have completed a certain number of new geography quizzes, regardless of your score, you will receive the "world" stamp. Completion of a quiz you have previously done does not count towards this stamp. By trying different quizzes, you will extend your knowledge of world geography. This stamp acknowledges that work. The world stamp is awarded at 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 quizzes, and then increments of 100 after that.

sample learning stamp
Learning stamp:

This is one of only 2 stamps where repeating a quiz helps you earn a badge. (The other stamp is the Student Stamp.) Completion of any geography quiz counts towards this badge.

It is awarded at 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 quizzes, and then increments of 100 after that.

sample student stamp
Student stamp: The student stamp is for the serious student. It is only awarded for strict test mode (that's the quiz mode where you have only one guess, with no help or hints). When you have passed a certain number of quizzes in strict test mode, you will receive the "passed" stamp. Completion of a quiz you have previously passed still counts towards this stamp - keep testing yourself to reinforce your memory! Here's the neat part: You define what constitutes a pass (but it must be at least 50%); you set this amount in your account settings. If you are a high achiever, aim for perfection and set it at 100%! Your statistics section will show you which quizzes you have passed based on this setting. The stamp is awarded at 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 quizzes, and then increments of 100 after that.

View your quiz results

View your best scores for all geography, flags, leaders and art quizzes - sort your results by region, type of quiz (water, city), score, etc. Easily see which quizzes you have passed (based on your own pass threshold).
sample quiz results

Set your own pass threshold

sample account settings screen

Set the bar as high as you want! Set a "pass" to whatever percentage you want, and then track how many quizzes you have passed.

To set your passing level, go to your account settings screen.

To see your passed quizzes, go to My Quiz Details in your account, and look for the green check marks green check mark in the "passed" column". The pass threshold is only applied to quizzes done in strict test mode.