USA: state capitals quiz (type answer)

The question will ask about an area highlighted on the map. Type in your answer. Spelling counts, but accents are not required and are not marked as incorrect. There may be locations where more than one answer is acceptable.

This quiz asks about these places: (use this list to check your spelling)
Albany, Annapolis, Atlanta, Augusta, Austin, Baton Rouge, Bismarck, Boise, Boston, Carson City, Charleston, Cheyenne, Columbia, Columbus, Concord, Denver, Des Moines, Dover, Frankfort, Harrisburg, Hartford, Helena, Honolulu, Indianapolis, Jackson, Jefferson City, Juneau, Lansing, Lincoln, Little Rock, Madison, Montgomery, Montpelier, Nashville, Oklahoma City, Olympia, Phoenix, Pierre, Providence, Raleigh, Richmond, Sacramento, Saint Paul, Salem, Salt Lake City, Santa Fe, Springfield, Tallahassee, Topeka, Trenton
map of USA

Small areas that might be hard to see are circled in red, as in the image below.

example of red circled area
Question 1 of 50 | Score: 0 out of 150

For 3 points:
Type in the name of the capital city of Alaska.

Quiz mode:
study question mark icon Study mode
Click a country to learn about it.
practice question mark icon Practice mode
Three tries to answer. Help map and hints available.
test question mark icon Test mode
Three tries to answer. No help map or hints available.
strict test question mark icon Strict test mode
One try to answer. No help map or hints available.

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