World Leaders
Math & Games
WORLD map quizzes
Continents and oceans
Printable Maps of World: continents and oceans
AP Human Geography: World Regions
Lots of countries! (159)
All the countries! (196)
World: capital cities (196)
World: major cities (not just capitals)
Top 30 countries by population
World Rivers
World Water
(225 questions)
World Deserts
World Mountain Ranges
World: countries, US states, water, mountains etc
Airport codes (type answer)
Africa map quizzes
All Countries of Africa
(55 questions)
Africa: countries (type answer)
Printable Maps of Africa
Africa Capital cities map quiz
(55 questions)
Africa: Match country flags to the map
Africa: Rivers and lakes map quiz
Africa: Bodies of water map quiz
Africa: Physical features map quiz
Northern Africa countries
Northern Africa capital cities
Western Africa countries
Western Africa capital cities
Eastern Africa countries
Eastern Africa capital cities
Central Africa countries
Central Africa capital cities
Southern Africa countries
Southern Africa capital cities
South Africa: provinces
Travel and Tourism
Africa tourist destinations
Africa Airport codes (type answer)
The Americas
THE AMERICAS map quizzes
The Americas - countries
Las Americas: los países de habla hispana (20 preguntas)
The Americas - countries (type answer)
The Americas - capital cities
Las Americas: las ciudades capitales de los países de habla hispana
Americas: Match country flags to the map
Americas Airport codes (type answer)
NORTH AMERICA map quizzes
Caribbean islands
Caribbean independent countries
Caribbean capital cities
Caribbean: Match country flags to the map
Central America and part of Caribbean
Central America: countries
Printable Maps of Central America countries
Central America: country capitals
North America: Bodies of Water (has rivers)
North America: Bodies of Water (no rivers)
Central America tourist destinations
Caribbean tourist destinations
CANADA map quizzes
Canada: Provinces and territories
Canada: Provinces and territories (type answer)
Printable Maps of Canada
Canada: Provincial & territorial capitals
Canada: Bodies of water (level 1)
Canada: Rivers
Canada: Seas, Bays, Lakes, Rivers
Canada: Physical features (mountains, water, islands)
Canada: Geophysical regions
Match provincial flags to the map quiz
Canada tourist destinations
Canada airport codes (type answer)
Mexico map quizzes
Mexico: Federal states
Mexico tourist destinations
Mexico: Physical features
USA map quizzes
USA: States
USA: States (type answer)
Printable Maps of the USA
USA: State capitals
USA: State capitals (type answer)
USA: States - West
USA: state capitals - West
USA: States - East
USA: State capitals - East
USA: Major cities
USA: Rivers
USA: Bodies of water
USA: Geophysical regions
USA tourist destinations
USA airport codes (type answer)
USA: Match flags to the map quiz
SOUTH AMERICA map quizzes
South America: countries
South America: countries (type answer)
Printable Maps of South America
Country capitals
Rivers & Lakes - level 1
Rivers & Lakes - level 2
South America: physical features
South America tourist destinations
Brazil: states
Asia map quizzes
Asia countries (excludes Western)
Asia - countries (type answer)
Printable Maps of Asia
Asia capitals (excludes Western)
Middle East bodies of water (Western Asia)
Asia physical features
Asia: bodies of water
Match country flags to the map
Asia tourist destinations
Asia Airport codes (type answer)
Asia by Region
Western Asia countries
(19 questions)
Western Asia physical features
Central Asia countries
(5 questions)
East Asia countries
(6 questions)
East Asia cities
(14 questions)
South Asia countries
(8 questions)
Southeast Asia countries
(11 questions)
Middle East countries (includes Egypt)
Middle East: Match country flags to the map (includes Egypt)
Middle East countries (includes Eqypt) (type answer)
Middle East capital cities (includes Egypt)
Middle East tourist destinations
Afghanistan: provinces
China: provinces
China: rivers and seas
India: states and union territories
Iran: provinces
Iraq: provinces
Japan: prefectures
Pakistan: provinces
Philippines: islands
Philippines: major cities
Russia: federal subjects
Russia: republics
OCEANIA map quizzes
Oceania: Countries
Oceania: countries (type answer)
Printable Maps of Oceania
Oceania: capital cities
Oceania: Match country flags to the map
Oceania: Islands
Australia/Oceania tourist destinations
Australia/Oceania airport codes (type answer)
Australia states and territories
Australia state capitals
Australia physical features
New Zealand regions
New Zealand major cities
New Zealand water and islands
EUROPE map quizzes
European Countries
Europe: countries (type answer)
Printable Maps of Europe
Western European countries
Western Europe: major cities
Eastern European countries
Europe: capital cities
EU Member Countries
Europe: bodies of water level 1
Europe: bodies of water level 2
Europe: rivers level 1
Europe: rivers level 2
Europe: bodies of water 3
Europe: peninsulas, islands, mountains...
Match flags to the map quiz
Europe tourist destinations
Europe airport codes (type answer)
Europe Regions
British Isles: countries
British Isles: major cities
British Isles: islands
Finland: regions
France: regions
France: major cities
Germany: states
Ireland: counties
Italy: regions
Norway: counties
Russia: federal subjects
Russia: republics
Spain: autonomies
Spain: provinces
Sweden: counties
Switzerland: cantons
United Kingdom: countries
UK: England: counties
UK: England: rivers level 1
UK: England: rivers level 2
UK: Northern Ireland: counties
UK: Scotland: counties
UK: Scotland: rivers
UK: Wales: counties
UK: Wales: rivers
UK: major cities
Ukraine: regions
Ukraine: major cities
Geography Trivia
New Geography Definitions quizzes
Geography definitions quiz : All (147 questions)
Geography definitions quiz : Climate
Geography definitions quiz : Process
Geography definitions quiz : Maps and Measures
Geography definitions quiz : Geography features
Geography definitions quiz : Water features
Older geography definitions quizzes: these ask 10 random questions
Definitions study guide
Definitions quiz : all categories
Definitions quiz : climate
Definitions quiz : process
Definitions quiz: maps and measures
Definitions quiz : geography features
Definitions quiz : water features
Custom Quizzes
Custom quizzes
Small, hard to click regions are enhanced with a red circle, as shown below:
India: states and union territories quiz
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Three tries to answer. No help map or hints in the answers available.
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One try to answer. No help map or hints in the answers available.
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Important notes
India has 28 states and 8 union territories. The 8 union territorries are:
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
Puducherry (Pondicherry)
Jammu and Kashmir
became a state on 2 June 2014, when it was split from
Andhra Pradesh
Jammu and Kashmir
was changed from a state to a union territory on October 31, 2019, and also was split in half, forming another union territory,
indicates that the link will show the location on the map.