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Units 7-9 Europe

Click on an area on the map to answer the questions.

This quiz has been customized from the original Europe: countries quiz.

map of Europe
  This quiz was created by user: orphaned
Question 1 of     | Score: 0 out of

* Note: For countries indicated with an asterisk (*), please refer to the Notes Box for an explanation.

Quiz mode:
study question mark icon Study mode
Click a country to learn about it.
practice question mark icon Practice mode
Three tries to answer. Help and hints in the answers available.
test question mark icon Test mode
Three tries to answer. No help map or hints in the answers available.
strict test question mark icon Strict test mode
One try to answer. No help map or hints in the answers available.

use single colored map question mark icon Change map colors
Choose the single color map to increase the difficulty. Uncheck the box to go back to the multi-color map.

Hold your mouse over the question mark icon symbols above to learn about each quiz option.
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Important notes   x  

This is a user-customized quiz based on the original Europe: countries quiz.

  • Türkiye globe icon and Russia globe icon are transcontinental states, having territory in both Europe and Asia. Azerbaijan, Georgia and Kazakhstan, which are not included on this map, also span the Asian-European boundary.

  • globe icon indicates that the link will show the location on the map.
    new window icon indicates that the link will open in a new window or tab.