Click on an area on the map to answer the questions.
This quiz has been customized from the original World: countries and more.
Click on a magnifying glass to bring up an expanded map of an area.
This quiz was created by user: (private) Description: The more we understand our world, the better prepared we will be to address the issues that confront our future. This includes understanding where things are in the world around us. These modules will focus on the countries of the world. The more we understand our world, the better prepared we will be to address the issues that confront our future. This includes understanding where things are in the world around us. These modules will focus on the countries of the world.
If you click on a magnifying glass to get to a region map, but realize you are on the wrong map, you may return to the world map to pick the correct continent or region. This is just navigation; it does not count as a guess.
You can return to the world map by one of 3 ways: