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Caribbean: flags quiz: create a custom quiz

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Anguilla question mark iconBritish Overseas Territory
Antigua and Barbuda
Aruba question mark iconconstituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Bonaire question mark iconoverseas region of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
British Virgin Islands question mark iconBritish Overseas Territory
Cayman Islands question mark iconautonomous British Overseas Territory
Curacao question mark iconconstituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dominican Republic

Guadeloupe question mark iconoverseas region of France
Martinique question mark iconinsular region of France
Montserrat question mark iconBritish Overseas Territory
Puerto Rico question mark iconunincorporated territory of the USA
Saint Lucia
St. Kitts and Nevis
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
The Bahamas
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos question mark iconBritish Overseas Territory
US Virgin Islands question mark iconunincorporated territory of the USA

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haiti dominican republic trinidad and tobago grenada st. vincent and the grenadines barbados st. lucia dominica antigua st. kitts and nevis bahamas Jamaica cuba