Lizard Point Quizzes

...discovering the world we live in

A new Africa water quiz - customizable and more questions available

Mar 192019

Just a quick update to let you know there's a new quiz about bodies of water in and around Africa.  

The new quiz is customizable - so you can pick the questions, change the title and description, force it into a particular mode, such as strict test mode, etc.

The old quiz asked about rivers and lakes. The new quiz adds in 8 more questions:

  • Atlantic Ocean
  • Strait of Gibraltar
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • Red Sea
  • Gulf of Aden
  • Indian Ocean
  • Mozambique Channel
  • Gulf of Guinea


Are you ready to give it a try?

New Europe bodies of water quiz - rivers, seas, straits all in one quiz

Mar 082016

We've got a new quiz for you today - super expert level stuff. Europe rivers, seas, straits, etc. all rolled into one monster quiz with 63 questions.

But if that's too much for you, this quiz is also  customizable (for those with supporter or teacher accounts).  Create a quiz of just the water around the Mediterranean, if that's what you need. And speaking of the Mediterranean, you can select just the Mediterranean, or select any of its seas to be individually asked in the quiz.

screenshot of Europe water quiz